Niki Paltenghi
Graphic DesignCSX369
CSX369 features research on variable fonts in the ASCII technique. A technical quality is identified — that of precise quantification between two instances — to rasterise images through typography.
Nine matrix unicase fonts are designed with three basic shapes applied to three different definitions. For the chromatic system, text is tripled in the same position and each layer gets a primary colour. Each letter adapts the size of its matrixes according to the RGB coordinates of an image. Interspersed variations from 0 (matrix 0%) to 255 (matrix 100%) create secondary, tertiary, hues and so on. The system is implemented with an image-processing tool.
All raster combinations are demonstrated in the specimen, easily displayable in the form of an exhibition.
Niki Paltenghi, born in 1997
Photos ©Roy Clavadetscher and ©Niki Paltenghi
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